Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Goal in 2008 :D

Guess what, I told myself to learn English well. I listed down this as one my goal. I have to learn three new words every week :D I'm always sentimentless towards learning English. I Still remembered vividly that during my primary one, I'm exposed to noun, verb, adjective, pronoun etc. One of my favourite was learning "A.E.I.O.U" as it was quite easy. I hate spelling; learning new words were not my intention. My father had to cane me leaving me no choice but to learn.

I'm facing a serious consequence right now for using too many f*** words in the past. Lacking of vocabulary is one BIG problem. There will be time I don't know how to express my feeling.

I'm really wondering why some people can speak English so well. I'm neither good in Chinese nor English. What ? I'm having a negative mindset ? Then ...


D aring

A ct upon God's word

N ever give up

I mpress

E ngage the culture

L earn new things

I'm sure 2008 will be the best year yet for me and my friends ! I will do my part to be committed to my goals. God will do the rest =)

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